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Weathering the Storm: My Journey Through Mental Illness

What up, SiriusFolk! Today I’m going to dive into my mental health journey. Spoiler alert, it’s not going well. To be fair, it’s not worse than usual, but it’s not MUCH better since they added a new anti-depressant. As an Active-Duty Airman, Mental Health is always a touchy subject within the military. The Air Force…

Update: Progress on my Book and the Release of Chapter 4!

What up, Sirius Folk! It’s been a minute since I’ve posted. I’ve been teaching a lot, on top of editing every hour of my night. Honestly, I was getting a bit burnt out, so I took the weekend off last week and just chilled. It was nice. According to AutoCrit, my book currently scores an…

Chapter 3: Echoes in the Static

Here’s Chapter 3! I’m in the process of editing now, so please give me your critiques! Thank you! CHAPTER 3: Echoes in the Static Twenty Years Later My apartment in Poughkeepsie serves more as a monument to my past than as a home. The living room, compact and minimally furnished, encapsulates my life of solitude.…


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